Rhetorical analysis of Lab reports


Nursing Lab Report Analysis

Shauna Flowers

Professor Steinberg

Eng 202

October 28, 2022

Nursing Lab Report Analysis


Most of the lab reports are based on clinical pathology as well as nursing fields to execute diagnostic activities. Lab reports will therefore ensure that there is a detailed prevention, prognosis as well as therapeutic monitoring once the analysis has been performed accurately. It is imperative to ensure that the lab reports are analyzed in an effective manner by scrutinizing suitable tables and graphs. The analysis of lab reports gives the idea of how clinical procedures should be carried on. Additionally, the description of the results should be detailed in the view of obtaining effective results regarding the experiment conducted (Kim, 2020). It is therefore crucial to have a clear understanding of the hypothesis of the experiment conducted in order to have actual results in the end. For an accurate and credible lab report, it must comprise of the eight key elements. The eight elements include the title, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references. Some lab reports get into extent of including acknowledgement and appendixes. 

Although some researchers and writers might prefer different formats in writing their lab reports, most of lab reports have a similar format. When one format of presenting lab reports is adopted, there is a higher likelihood of issuance of uniformity when the ideas in lab reports are been presented. It also creates uniformity in presenting the ideas that come along with the report been issued. In this report, the key elements will be discussed down upon going through two examples of lab reports from students. 

In this case, we will concentrate on two lab reports and establish how the researchers have presented their ideas at large and the elements that they have utilized in their reporting. The subsequent links present the full lab reports in the field of nursing and how the researchers have presented their ideas.

                                   Lab Report Sample 1


The link above shows a sample of a lab report concerning the perceptions of different sugars by Blowflies. It lies in the field of both nursing and biology. Biology goes hand in hand with the aspect of nursing; therefore, it is imperative to ensure that both correlate in order to reflect a positive and a credible analysis. 


The authors of the report have effectively followed the eight elements of lab report in presenting their work as it is required. Initially, the researchers have started with the title of the paper in the cover page. The cover page which has the title of the paper clearly gives insightful analysis of the paper and the basic concepts from which the paper details. 


The authors have also given an effective abstract of the lab report indicating the core purpose of the report as it is required in the lab report. The abstract is accurate and reflect on the core findings of the research and the likely outcome of the study. The abstract has also issued the overall results regarding the entire findings and the ultimate conclusions towards future ventures on the same. The abstract in this case is presented in a way to show how the future research and lab reports should be presented. 


Introduction has been fully represented in the lab report. Therefore, the authors have vast information on how the lab report should be formatted in detailing more in the field of nursing. The introduction in this case will give the overall information on what is expected in the report and how the reporting is done in the long run. It is at this scenario where the authors have presented their hypothesis and highlights the information to be included in the report. The reporting at this point has been done in a concise manner and assurance of how they will overcome the weaknesses in case they arise in the presentation. The authors have also presented the reporting in an informative manner to ensure that readers have accurate know-how on the reported issue. 

                                  Materials and Methods

In the section of materials and methods, the authors have crafted the lab report in a manner that they have been able to convince the readers on the approaches followed during the research and their credibility. Additionally, materials and methods require that any other researcher can use the same materials and methods to obtain the same results in the end. In this case, it is referred to as replicability. The authors have presented this element in an outstanding manner by giving relevant figures and data from which the result computation will be based on.


In the lab report, the results have been accurately represented. There is an accurate following of the necessary procedures in representing the results. The results are computed from the materials and methods recorded in the previous elements. The lab reporting is therefore credible and effective since it details whatever it is in report. The report also gives accurate evidence from which the authors will use to support their claim on the credibility and reliability of the results and data.  Additionally, the authors have omitted the irrelevant data from the report in order to assure credibility of the report. At this point, the researchers have not explained the data given; this is an effective way since data should not be explained from the result section. Rather, it should be explained in the discussion section. The results have been presented professionally by the researchers; therefore, lab report will be reliable and embraced by many researchers. 

                             Discussion and Conclusion

Unlike other lab reports, the researchers have combined discussion and conclusion element under one section. It is alright as the researcher has done, but the two elements should be separated under different paragraphs. The discussion and conclusion elements of the lab report give the summation of the research with the results and the final view of the report. The researchers have also presented the information and analysis in a much better way to confirm their competency in lab reporting. However, the researchers have added an element of acknowledgement in their report. The element can be used since it shows the number of individuals or institutes that aided in the writing of the lab report. This element is also applicable when it comes to presentation of the lab report.


In the reference section, the authors have presented all the materials they have used in the research. The researchers have ensured that the references are documented in a chronological manner as required in the APA 7th edition format. This means that the research is effective and reliable for any reporting in the nursing and medical field. In referencing, the names of the authors of the article, the title of the article, the date from which the article was published are presented to ensure that the article is retrieved easily. There are no mistakes committed during the writing of the lab report. 

                                    Lab Report Sample 2



The article has a clear title reflecting the necessary information required for lab report. It is a nursing lab report by Angela Mahaffey. The author has followed all the necessary elements as per professional requirements in lab report writing. The title in the cover page has been outlined as per the APA guidelines. The title and the topic of the paper have been presented effectively; hence allowing the key information to be highlighted in the lab report. 


The author has also followed clear format in lab reporting by the use of abstract to give an overview of the information to be reported. It is clear that the researcher has allowed the readers to draw crucial information regarding the authenticity of the information offered. The elements in the report are credible and serve accurately with their intended purpose in the lab report. The author for this lab report has ensured that the abstract has covered the necessary threshold.  


The author for this lab report has ensured that all the eight elements have been followed as per the requirements. Introduction gives the overview of the Lab report in a broader perspective. The introduction is crucial in enlightening the readers on the basic concept of the report and the future outcome on the same data.  Each element has served its purpose as required in lab reporting. The formatting of the lab reports does not differ from each other. They follow a distinct format and the elements in the report are presented the same as required for any lab report. 

                                    Materials and Methods

The materials and methods utilized for this report are presented in the rightful manner in order to allow clear analysis of the lab report. Materials and methods utilized are crafted in a way to ensure that the results will be credible and effective in the tabulation and presenting of the data. The data is tabulated using the relevant materials and methods for an effective discussion and results. 


In this section, the results have been reflected in a manner that it is easier to understand and relate. The lab report therefore has been presented in a way from which the readers will be able to understand effectively and draw their understanding and conclusions in the end. It is a requirement that the results should be tabulated based on the materials and methods used so that there would be a clear reflection on the outcome for the lab report.


            The discussion at this point includes the summation of the relevant points and tabulations of the results. The report is tabulated, and information given towards the outcome of report. The author has given clear and concise discussion on the report based on the research he ventured. Discussion been among the crucial elements of the report ensure that the research has driven its intention as expected. 


In conclusion, it is evident that the two lab reports analyzed have the same format in the APA referencing style and follow the same elements. The researchers have decided to use the same elements throughout their analysis since this is the most appropriate way of documenting and writing any professional lab report. Additionally, the manner at which the lab report is presented is acknowledged by the APA referencing style. 


The lab report presents a clear reference list from which the article papers, books, journals, and peer-reviewed articles have backed-up the credibility of the research. This is one of the most important element since it gives the research its credibility and assurance of its reliability. The references are tabulated in an APA format, having the names of the author, publication year, the title of the journal, and the publisher. The format follows the 7th edition of an APA referencing style. 


Kim, D., & Olson, W. M. (2020). Using a transfer-focused writing pedagogy to improve undergraduates’ lab report writing in gateway engineering laboratory courses. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication63(1), 64-84.

Markel, M., & Markel, M. H. (2009). Technical communication. Macmillan.

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